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FRA Announces Rule Proposal to Keep Two People in the Cab of Trains

January 15, 2023

FRA Administrator Amit Bose who was appointed by President Biden has reinitiated a rule proposal that would keep two crew members in the cab of freight trains. A similar rule was initiated in 2016. Before it could be put into the rule book however, the last FRA administrator, Ron Batory, ended the process in 2019. Batory was a former CEO for CONRAIL and didn't gain favor with many rail workers or community members with his move to end the rule process. 

Now that the FRA has collected comments from the public, the country waits for the finalizing of the rule. The public left over 13,000 comments in support of a two person crew rule.


Train Crew Size Rule Draws GOP, Rail Rebuke Amid Worker Shortage

June 17, 2022

Republicans and railroads urged President Joe Biden’s rail chief Tuesday against a rule that could require at least two crew members on freight trains. The administration is weighing a rule that would address potential safety concerns for trains with only one crew member, Amit Bose, administrator of the Federal Railroad Administration, testified Tuesday. The proposal has caused contention before its release, pitting employers against employees.

“We definitely want to address the risks associated with less than a two-person crew,” Bose said at a House Transportation and Infrastructure hearing.

Image by Manny Becerra

Railroaders Fight for Right to Strike

February 3, 2022

More Perfect Union recently put out a video describing why railroaders working for Class 1 Railroads have been pushing for a strike. As one employee put it, "The sentiment amongst the entire railroad... is that we are tired."


Senate leaves Two Person Crew legislation out of infrastructure bill.

October 06, 2021

Many communities and safety advocates celebrated when the House infrastructure bill was released. The cause for celebration was a long fought battle to include Two Person Crew legislation in the infrastructure bill. Unfortunately, the Senate would ultimately end this celebration too soon. Rather than pass the bill as it was, the Senate decided to grab bag the bill in order to make it bipartisan. The crew size safety provision was one of the many casualties of this process. The legislation that would put safety of communities and workers ahead of corporate profits was seen as too controversial to gain the necessary 60 votes needed to pass the bill into law.


H.R. 3684, the INVEST in America Act, includes Two Person Crew Regulation

June 20, 2021

The INVEST in America Act which includes two person crew regulations, has been introduced in the House. Section 9506 under Title V, Rail Safety regulates having two person crews on nearly every mainline train. There are some exceptions for short line railroads and light power situations but this bill goes a long way in protecting both railroaders and rail communities. Proponents of the bill are asking that citizens make calls to their state legislators to ensure the two person crew regulations stay a part of this bill. The bill passed the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure with a vote of 38 Yeas to 26 Nays.


National Legislative Director for SMART-TD, Greg Hynes is interviewed on th Rick Smith Show 

February 25, 2021

Greg Hynes the National Legislative Director for SMART-TD was interviewed on the Rick Smith Show. The interview covers many of the arguments supporting two person crews. The future plans of how to pass a two person crew law is discussed as well. Listen by clicking on the link below.


When two made a difference...

February 11, 2020

Two crew members work together to save a little girls life. How much is safety worth  to workers and our communities? This little girl knows the answer. Follow the link below for the full story.


President Joe Biden Addresses SMART Members

June 21,2020

President Joe Biden addressed SMART Members during the campaign covering multiple safety issues. One of the most important declarations in the video is his vocal support for two person crews. The hope of many members is that this will only increase the visibility of the Fight for Two Person Crews campaign. This endorsement along with the inclusion of two person crew legislation in the INVEST in America Act has given a significant boost to the public knowledge of this important safety issue. We congratulate President Biden on his victory and look forward to him signing a bill that keeps two people in the cabs of trains.


Bernie Sanders invites members to campaign rally

February 08, 2020

Members from SMART, BLET and Fight for Two Person Crews met with Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders after a rally in Keokuk, IA. Sanders, a cosponsor of the Safe Freight Act showed his willingness to push for two person crews if elected. He has also promised to vote for the Safe Freight Act as Senator in the event it reaches the floor of the Senate. Greg Hynes (National Legislative Director of SMART-TD), Bob Guy (Illinois Legislative Director of SMART-TD), and members of both SMART and BLET were invited on stage during the rally. Jeff Kurtz, a former BLET member and Iowa State Representative, spoke with conviction at the rally about the need for two person crews.


Fight for Two Person Crews talks with Pete Buttigieg

February 8, 2020

Wes Ekstedt and Jordan Boone of Fight for Two Person Crews were able to meet with another presidential candidate to gain support for the Safe Freight Act. Candidate Buttigieg and his campaign seemed very concerned about the steps big railroads have taken in the push to eliminate one person in the cab of freight trains. His policy department
was looking at making two person crews a part of his presidential policy in the event he won the presidential race. Although he did not win the race for President, Mayor Buttigieg has been put in place to help us in the future as the Secretary of Transportation in the Biden Administration. Pete Buttigieg and Bernie Sanders were the top vote getters in the Iowa Democratic Caucus. Click the button below to visit the Department of Transportation website.


Fight for Two Person Crews does podcast

February 08, 2020

Wes Ekstedt and Jordan Boone of Fight for Two Person Crews were invited by members of USW to talk on their podcast Steel Revolution. The interview can be heard at about the 8 minute mark of the podcast.


The House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Advances the INVEST in America Act to the House Floor

June 19, 2020

The INVEST in America Act which includes two person crew legislation was advanced by the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure to the House floor. The committee debated for over 24 hours as multiple amendments were proposed. One amendment that failed was proposed by Republican Congressman Scott Perry of Pennsylvania. His amendment was directly targeting the removal of the two person crew legislation contained in the bill. The committee did adopt 34 Republican amendments and 23 Democratic amendments giving some hope for bi-partisan support as the bill moves forward.

Update: Although this bill passed the House, it was never heard on the Senate floor. We look forward to a possible inclusion of our two person crew legislation in future infrastructure bills. Click below to find out how to help with railroad legislation.


Join our Facebook Group

February 11, 2020

Join our Facebook group for up to date news and discussions. Follow the link below!

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